ELERO Linearantriebstechnik is ELERO A business unit of the company is one of the most important manufacturers of electric drive and control roller shutters, solar protection systems and doors. The company now has about 500 employees, 14 subsidiaries and two production bases around the world. The company's customer communication, innovation and high quality standards are well known. The company provides a wide range of electric push rod brakes (direct travel actuators) to meet the personalized needs of small quantities, with short delivery time, the highest quality and better price performance ratio. Nearly 40 years of motor manufacturing experience& nbsp; ELERO The reliable actuators developed and produced have extremely compact design characteristics, especially in line with the requirements of mechanical engineering and equipment manufacturing industry.
ELERO - application area
Automatic awning, automatic movable facade, automatic rolling door, automatic shutter, automatic shutter/screen, automatic rolling shutter
ELERO - Product Category
Motor, drive motor, control roller shutter, electric linear actuator, tubular motor, shutter, electrical equipment, electrical drive, control system,